Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stella is 1

Stella's Wagon

Stella's Cake and Spaghetti

WOW it's been a long time!

So it's been a really long time since I have updated our blog...I suck! So very quickly, here's what has happened: I turned 26, found out I was pregnant again, and Stella turned 1.

My birthday was good. We had a wonderful dinner of pizza and then we watched "Mama Mia". (Well my mom and I watched the movie atleast!) The next day we went to Holland, MI to spend the day at the beach and exploring the town. the following day (Sunday) was when I decided to be an adult and take a pregnancy test. I really thought that I was just going to have to see a doctor again for my irregular cycles but...nope. I was just pregnant! Who knew?! I am now 7 weeks 5 days. 3 days later was Stella's 1st birthday!

Stella had a wonderful birthday. We had spaghetti (her favorite) for dinner and an icecream cake for dessert. As you can see, she loved the spaghetti but wasn't too sure about the cake! Her big present from Mommy and Daddy was a wagon...which she loves.
(So it's not letting me put the pictures where I want so I will post them by themselves.)